Community Profiles

Jamestown, ND

main street jamestownJamestown is a place adorned in charm. Norman Rockwell could have painted curly-topped boys fishing along the banks of the James River that runs through Jamestown. Western writer Louis L'Amour was born here and we'd like to think Jamestown was a source of inspiration for him. Jamestown is nestled between two rivers - the James River and the Pipestem River which provide recreational opportunities in a beautiful setting.

Jamestown offers excellent public and private schools with a high school completion rate of 91%. Jamestown's state of the art high school provides class sizes that are small by big-city standards where students get personal attention and are encouraged to participate in many extracurricular activities and sports available. Higher education can also be achieved here at the University of Jamestown which has been ranked the #1 college in North Dakota by US News & World Report for multiple years.

Jamestown is a place of clean air, safe streets and short commutes. You can take time for fitness at the Two Rivers Activity Center, at one of many local athletic clubs, or on the outdoor walking, biking, and hiking trails in and around town. You can own and operate a thriving business, realize job stability in the same community you own your dream home, enjoy quiet neighborhood living, and watch your children grow. Here, the American Dream is tangible with the qualities of small town living plus exceptional opportunities to achieve personal and professional success. 

Population Demographics

As of 2024 the population of Jamestown, ND is 15,836. The population is expected to grow to 15,848 by 2029 - a growth rate of 0.02%.

The median age of Jamestown, ND residents is 40.

The diversity index of Jamestown, ND is 27.5, meaning that there is a 28% chance that any two people selected out of 100 residents will be of different race or ethnicity from one another.


  • Annual Average Temperature • 40.4 F
  • Monthly Average High Temperature
    • Spring • 40?F
    • Summer • 75?F
    • Fall • 55?F
    • Winter • 20?F
  • Annual Average Precipitation • 18.12 Inches
  • Prevailing Winds • Northwest

Housing and Income

The average household income in Jamestown, ND is $82,807 and projected to be $93,133 in 2029. Per capita income is $35,619, projected to be $40,167 in 2029. 1.65% of households – 262 – have an income of $200,000 or higher. Average net worth is $636,579 and the average disposable income is $67,958.

There are 7,607 housing units in Jamestown, ND; 4,151 are owner-occupied, 2,582 are rented, and 874 are vacant. The average home value is $202,897, with 673 homes built in 2010 or later, and 914 built in 1939 or earlier.

Business and Workforce

There are 813 businesses in Jamestown, ND, employing 11,217 workers and pulling from a labor force of 7,690 age 16 and above. 447 workers commute into Jamestown, ND from outside the county or state. Key industries for the area include:

7,242 residents both live and work in/around Jamestown, ND. The average travel time is 0.0 minutes. 8.26% people have a commute of less than 5 minutes while 2.86% commute 90 minutes or more each way. Of commuters, 6,420 drive alone, 580 carpool, and 1 take public transportation. 426 use other modes of transport such as motorcycle, bicycle, walking, etc. 257 residents work from home.

4,102 members of the workforce hold a high school diploma or GED. 1,107 have associates degrees, 1,766 have bachelor’s degrees, and 748 hold a graduate or professional degree.


transportation mapJamestown, North Dakota, is centrally located in North America along Interstate 94 and US Highway 281. North Dakota is located at the US-Canada border, providing an ideal location for companies looking for access to markets throughout North America. Our transportation system includes air, rail, and ground transportation, providing connections to the world.

Jamestown Regional Airport

Daily commercial jet passenger service and air freight service to Denver International Airport provides connections to anywhere within the United States and worldwide. Charter air and freight service is also available to those traveling elsewhere in the region.

Both Northern Pacific Railroad and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Company provide high level service and access to markets.

Jamestown is located on US Interstate 94 (I-94) and U.S. Highway 281 free of tolls and traffic jams.

North Dakota Highway Map

Proximity to Markets

City Distance in Miles
Bismarck 101
Los Angeles 1,709
Chicago 704
Minneapolis 340
Denver 860
New York 1,560
Fargo 93
Seattle 1,338
Kansas City 690
Winnipeg 270


Natural Gas

Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.
Gary Spiedel, District Manager
324 2nd Ave. S.W., P.O. Box 2216
Jamestown, ND 58402
Phone: (701) 252-4959


Northern Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Bob Spencer, District Manager
1515 W. Main, P.O. Box 180
Carrington, ND 58421
Phone: 1-800-882-2500

Otter Tail Power Company
Charles Krebf, Operations Manager
315 2nd Street S.E., P.O. Box 2220
Jamestown, ND 58402
Phone: (701) 252-0540


City of Jamestown
Utility Operations Director - Steve Suko
Phone: (701) 252-5131
325 17th Street SE
Jamestown, ND 58401
Source: Wells
Capacity of Plant: 12,000,000 gallons
Capacity of Wells: 7,000,000 gallons
Average Daily Consumption: 4.0 million gallons/day
Peak Consumption: 6.7 million gallons

Stutsman Rural Water
Address:1812 Highway 281 N
Jamestown, ND 58401-2104
Phone: (701) 252-7727


Method of Garbage Disposal: Sanitary Landfill
Sewer Use Charge: Based on water used

Lift Station & Wastewater System
Type: Mechanical & Lagoon
Capacity: 4.5 million gallons/day
Present Load: 3.5 million gallons/day - average
20 Lift Stations